MIGGlobal Investments

Investments in Mexico


Investments in Mexico

We are an Authorized Investment Agency in Mexico, with more than 20 years in the private and public investment sector.

Why is it important to invest in Mexico?

Mexico has become one of the most attractive countries for direct foreign investment due to all the positive characteristics of the country; and on the other hand, it also benefits the economy of the country by the inflow of investment flows.

Below we will mention some of the advantages that Mexico has that make it so attractive for foreign investors.

In first place its geographical location, since Mexico is located next to the 1st. the global economy of the moment, which interests investors because of making negotiations with the United States more accessible, as well as having the advantage of being able to provide "just in time" to this country and therefore have the possibility of carrying out more and better economic transactions with this one.

Likewise, Mexico has an extensive variety of natural resources, land and favorable climates for the promotion of all types of industries, counting on materials such as oil, minerals, agricultural products, etc. They make the cost of raw materials cheaper for the production of all kinds of items. And it also has resources that help to promote the tourism industry such as archaeological zones, beaches, mountains, jungle, desert, etc.

On the other hand, it is also interesting that the labor force in our country is at a lower cost than in most developed countries. It should be mentioned that this workforce is young and relatively trained, which makes production costs lower and more competitive. Counting also with a favorable work environment, since in the last decade Mexico was considered as the best destination for the placement of foreign capital in this area, since of the 500 largest companies in Latin America, most have established their operations in our country.

Mexico, at the same time, is benefited by having the most extensive network of free trade agreements, which ensure preferential access to the markets of North America, the European Union, the countries of the European Free Trade Association, Israel and ten partner countries of Latin America. It is worth mentioning the treaties that have been signed in Mexico with other countries for free trade with them. Among which we find the NAFTA (United States and Canada), FTA G3 (Colombia, Venezuela), free trade with the Republics of Costa Rica, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Chile, Israel, the northern triangle (Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras), the states of the European Union, Uruguay, and Japan. In these treaties, preferential tariff rates are negotiated for the importation of products from these countries.

Thus, Mexico grants security and legal protection to foreign investors through the Agreements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of investments, of which our country has signed with 20 countries. The Mexican Government has promoted transparency in its actions, respect for the Rule of Law and the application of the law, resulting in a stable environment favorable for business.

On the other hand it is important to mention also, the advantages that Mexico obtains when admitting Foreign Direct Investment.

At present, FDI is considered as a fundamental part of any open international economic system considered as a fundamental part for the development of the country.

One of the main benefits that Mexico obtains when admitting Direct Investment from other countries is, above all, the technological, economic and knowledge spill that enters the country, achieving with this a greater integration to the international trade giving impulse to a more competitive business environment . The above mentioned tends to contribute to economic growth.

Finally, in addition to the strictly economic benefits, FDI can help to improve the environment as well as the social and labor conditions of the region where these investments are located, because with this investment, the country also acquires a better attitude towards the work obtained from the new culture that enters with the investment of foreign companies.